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«Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts» - military scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2500-3712

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.

Issued from 2014.



Media and Information Literacy in EU 


Ben N. Oldman


Moscow State University, Russian Federation

Len. Gory, Moscow, 119991.

Prof. Dr.

E-mail: oldman@primer.ru


Abstract. 200 words

Keywords: 10 words



Media competency is the result, as anticipated, of the convergence of the audio-visual concepts, communication media competency, digital competency, informational competency, and audiovisual competency, among others [Grizzle, 2011; Pérez-Rodríguez & Delgado-Ponce, 2012; Pérez-Tornero, J.M. & Martínez-Cerdá, 2011].  The term Media and Information Literacy was put forward by the UNESCO in 2008, and the European Commission [2007, 2009] defined it as the ability to access, analyze and evaluate the power of images, sounds and messages that are produced in daily life, and that are an important part of contemporary culture, as well as the ability to communicate in a competent manner by using the means within our reach. (….)


Materials and methods  

The main sources for writing this article became the materials of the journal publications and archives.  The study used the basic methods of cognition: the problem-chronological, historical and situational, systemic and the comparative method. Author's arguments are based on problem-chronological approach. The use of historical and situational method allows to reproduce assessment approach to the problem of the media literacy education. Comparative method  defines the difference in views on actual international media literacy situation. A systematic method does achieve a variety of disciplines accessible and comparable, as present is determined by the past and the future - by the present and the past.






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Celot, P. (Coord.) (2015). Assessing Media Literacy Level and the European Commission. Pilot Initiative. Brussels: EAVI. (www.eavi.eu/joomla/images/stories /About_EAVI/assessing.pdf).

Celot, P. & Pérez-Tornero, J.M. (2009). Study on Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels - A comprehensive view of the concept of media literacy and an Understanding of how media literacy level in Europe Should Be Assessed. Brussels: European Commission. (http://ec.europa.eu/culture/library/ studies/literacy-criteria-report_en. pdf). 

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